Right now my sister Sarah is probably sleeping after her weekend from Los Angeles, California to Portland, Oregon and back again. We've been chatting over the last couple days and she has been telling me some of her adventures since late last Saturday night. I just had to write a journal entry in honor of her and her crazy adventure...
On Saturday Sarah went over to her friend April's house to help her pack. April was moving to Washington state, over 1,000 miles away. Sarah soon found out that April had no companion to travel with her, so she decided to help drive April up to WA. It turns out that they packed all the way through Saturday night, and hit the road sometime Sunday morning. April and Sarah's two little 4-door sedans were topped high with clothes, personal belongings, baby stuff (April has a daughter), and even the dining room table.
Over the next 48 hours they drove up I-5, only stopping to re-tie their belongings, catch a few catnaps, and feed their kids, themselves, and their cars (with gas, of course). Oh yeah, did I fail to mention that Sarah also brought her 11 month old daughter with her? Yup, my little niece Anne has seen California from top to bottom.
Anyhoo, Sarah dropped off April's belongings mid-morning Tuesday, and had to turn around to drive another 1,000 miles in order to be at work today (Wednesday morning) by 8:00 a.m. She tells me she got back into southern California at 5:30 a.m., took a nap, and did indeed get to work on time today.
Boy, and I thought I was adventurous. My mini-adventures of taking a different driving route to Target or the grocery story pale in comparison to my red-head sister's weekend of 2,000 miles.