I just spent the last 15 minutes reading my sister Rachel's blog...and I got inspired to write a new post for Ruth Reflections. There is PLENTY that I have been thinking about blogging over the past month (a trip to CA, Scotty's new web-site which has already been up for 4 weeks, 2 huge Breakthrough events that are over, and many cute Micah stories), but the details and photos for those events will have to wait for another few days. Why? Because I am currently in Arizona at my in-laws, and the photos I want to post with the above mentioned stories are on my computer in Chicago! I'll have to do a couple "Snapshot" blogs when I get back to Chicago next week. But for now, it just feels good to finally write something again.
Arizona...at the moment Scotty and Micah are napping, Auntie Amanda is resting, G'pa Scott and G'ma Lisa just returned from running some errands, and I am checking e-mail. Oh yes, and the 4 Pomeranian dogs are lounging inside in the cool kitchen (they aren't prone to enjoying the Arizona heat outside, and prefer the indoors). :-)
The last couple days here in AZ have been grand. It is nice for me to see my husband get a vacation! He's been working so hard at Breakthrough, and at home too (doing graphic design on the side). It's great to be here with family, and enjoy good, long conversations about life. It's wonderful to take a stroll around the neighborhood with my hubby and sis-in-law and talk about our hopes and fears for the future. It's such a blessing to have helping hands with Micah, so that Scott and I can be spontaneous and goofy - like starting a Super-Soaker war, which ended with jumping in the pool and swimming in our clothes (thanks for watching Micah, Amanda)! It's fun to watch Scott, Lisa, Scotty and Amanda interact as a family - and it's a blessing to be part of the Ruths too (as well as Micah)! :-)
That's it for now, folks. I need to go check on my sleeping men (the little one should be up soon). I'll get back to you all next week (hopefully) to give you pictures and stories about the life and times of the Windy City Ruths from the month of June. :-)
Oh, and Rachel, thanks for being an OCD blogger, so that it reminds me that I should be blogging too. :-)