Here are some funny things Micah has done over the past couple weeks...
No: On a particular day when Micah had been hearing "no" a lot, he had finally had too much. Auntie Amanda was getting something out of the fridge and Micah tried to squeeze beside her to grab something out of the side door. She said "no." All of a sudden he starts freaking out and stomping across the floor and said, "no, no, No, NO, NO, AHHHHHHHH!" Seems like that little tike was pretty frustrated with hearing that all day long.
Blow drying hair: The other day I was blow drying my hair while Micah was watching (as usual). He started patting his head and bending over, mimicking my motions. He did it at least one other time, though his hair was completely dry...and he didn't have a blow dryer in his hands.
Mirror pose: There's a coat rack with a mirror on it right outside Amanda's bathroom. Micah will generally wait outside the bathroom until Amanda comes out, and then she'll pick him up. They then look in the mirror and Micah does a "pose" with Amanda nearly every time. He'll smile and then lay his head down next to hers, while still watching himself in the mirror.
Nana: Nearly every time Micah says banana - "Nana" - it is accompanied with a shoulder shrug while he holds his palm up and off to the side. Kind of like it's a question or suggestion.
Trash: Micah's really observant and has picked up on so much that we do already. If I say "brush your teeth" he'll run to the bathroom yelling "tzz, tzz." If I say "wash your hands" he'll run to the closet where we keep the fold-up chair that he uses to stand on in front of the sink to wash up. If I say "change your diaper" he'll run to his room. If I say "goodbye" he'll start waving at whomever or whatever is around, in this parade type mechanical looking wave. Sometimes though I don't have to
say anything for him to know what to do. If I hand him a piece of paper, he will eventually crumple it up and run to the kitchen, open the cabinet door under the sink, throw it in the trash can, close the cabinet door come back out of the kitchen. Thing is, paper is not always trash...the other day it was a playing card and a coloring sheet from the library. Lisa even said that he picked up a speck or some dog hair upstairs and then ran over to her cabinet under the kitchen sink, yet that is not where her trash can is located, so she had to redirect to the right location to dispose of his speck.
Eye: Micah is fascinated with poking his or someone else's eye and saying "eye, eye" while he does it. The other day while he was taking a bath he picked up one of his bath toys and candidly pointed at this starfish's face and said "eye, eye." He has since named "eyes" on many other things - the characters in his book, his stuffed animals, and even the honey bear bottle. He's always right on...