Sunday, March 16, 2008


I rarely ever get up in the morning before Micah does - he is my alarm clock. I usually wake to the sound of him "talking" to his friends (the frog, dragonfly, toucan and monkey that smile down on him from his crib mobile). I hear squeaks and coos drifting down the hallway as Micah tells his friends how well he slept the night before. As he occupies and entertains himself, I drag myself out of bed to go and get him. I'm so glad he's joyful in the mornings - it balances out my grouchiness for having to be awake (I am not an early bird).

This morning when Micah, my dear alarm clock, woke me up, he sounded different. He was so much louder than usual. Instead of an occasional squeak or coo, there were all out grunts coming from his room. His volume just kept increasing, and I soon discovered why.

When I walked into his room, I found him at a different part of the crib as usual (see "Tossing and Turning all night"). This time he was not on his back, but on his stomach, pushing himself up, strongly protesting his new position. He had rolled himself over completely! And, instead of being proud of his achievement (as his mother was), he was purely frustrated that he was on his tummy (which he dislikes, see "Tummy Time"), and wanted to be flipped over or picked up as soon as possible.

I was so excited. My son can finally roll over by himself - well, at least he's done it once...

1 comment:

R.A. said...

Yea for the rollie pollie! Call me.