Monday, January 26, 2009

Hair grows back

So today I cut Micah's hair for the first time. He's already had 2 haircuts, but Scott always did them (and did a great job). Today I thought I'd give it a try.

Yikes, here are the results:

Even with his thin spot on top (note to self, next time, don't do the "test patch" in front), and...

High and jagged neckline...

He's still as cute as can be.

I may have saved money today, but not humiliation. Good thing Micah is young enough, so he won't remember any teasing remarks. And, yes, it will grow back.


Anonymous said...

No matter what the hair looks like, he is still the cutest boy ever.....
Give him a big hug and hi-five for me. Take care.

R.A. said...

poor kid.