Thursday, January 21, 2010

28-year old grandma

So the funniest thing happened today...I was baby-sitting for my church's women's Bible study (which I do every Thursday), and we were painting with water color. Last time we did water color, I was making a birthday card for my niece Lillyann, and one of the little boys wanted to make one too. So this time, the same little boy wanted to make another birthday card. I told him that I'd already sent Lillyann her birthday cards, but my sister Rachel's birthday was coming up in February if he wanted to make one for her. He agreed. The other kids at the table all started making cards and pictures for Rachel's birthday too. One of the girls piped up and asked, "How old is she going to be?" I replied "28." "Wow!" she said, "that's old." And then just a moment later, without looking up from the beautiful painting she was so carefully creating, she inquired, "Is she a grandma?"


R.A. said...

There are no words!! I laughed so hard!! Did you?

Are you buying me a cane for my birthday?

Mommy said...

She does have some grandmotherly qualities (although I guess they're Auntie qualities too). :)