Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Day!!

We had a FABULOUS Thanksgiving Day yesterday.  For starters, we already have snow and Micah is LOVING it.  He's been shoveling, snowball-making and sledding for the past couple days - nearly living outside.  He tells just about anyone that it's his favorite season, he is so excited for snow.  For our Turkey feast, we went to Brad and DeeDee's (they were the gracious hosts this year). 

Picnic breakfast to let daddy and Uncle Luke sleep in longer :-)

Prepping our part of the meal - deviled eggs, yams, green beans/bacon

Micah in his element!

G'ma and baby blueberry

Yes, she is made of "sugar and spice and everything nice"

Papa carving the turkey

Micah with baby bumblebee

Joy loves her baby cousins

Delicious feast!

Joy loves her DeeDee too!

Enjoying some new books from Papa and Mama

DeeDee's apron :-)

They LOVE being read to

Tired Joy bear when we got home...

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