Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First "Official" Ruth Family Camping Trip!

Here's one of those posts I had planned to get up a month ago - documentation of our first camping trip.  It's been a whole year since our backyard "camping."  The last weekend in July we loaded up our tent (thanks g'pa and g'ma Sovilla), sleeping bags (thanks g'pa and g'ma Ruth), and other gear for an overnight on a campground.  The kids had.a.blast.  Scotty and I enjoyed ourselves too - except for our tent neighbors who were watching some TV show on loop on their laptop until 4am (thankfully the kids slept through it and when it did stop, Scotty and I finally got some sleep too)!!  

Our destination was Torch Lake.  Scotty learned about it earlier this summer and wanted to visit it ever since - he said it was supposed to have crystal clear water down to the bottom (we discovered that to be true).  Absolutely beautiful and clean.  

First stop - Torch Lake!

Next stop - campground!

Now back to the lake before dinner, campfire and bedtime.

Roasting 'mallows.

S'mores are soooo tasty!

Our sleeping bag kiddos.

The way I found Noah bundled in the morning - sans sleeping bag.


Playing on the campground playground.

Breakfast before loading up (which we did in a hurry - it started raining)!

One more stop at Torch Lake before heading home.

Got soaked.

Homeward bound!

Open roads and beautiful skies.

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