Tuesday, June 14, 2016

First Harvest and Other Young Life

We've already begun eating from our garden!! We've been snipping spinach leaves every couple days for about a week now.  And just tonight we found our first green bean and ate it raw!!  We're kinda geeking out - we're finding this whole garden thing pretty cool. :-) Aside from eating off the land, we have discovered other wildlife around, which has been super fascinating and exciting for us too!

We found a cottontail bunny and put it in a spare cage.

Micah named him "Spotty" after a book character we just read about.

After learning more about cottontails, we located a nest with several bunnies in it!!
We then learned it was best to release "Spotty" back to his habitat (see kids doing so above). 

Micah and Scotty caught a Garter snake - but he got himself
out of the 5 gallon bucket before I could see it!

We found a nest of baby birds in an evergreen tree.

Our neighbors found a robin's nest in their bush...

...here's a zoomed out picture - hardly noticeable!

Pruning and pulling "suckers" off our tomato plants.

First bite of our first spinach leaves!

Spinach from our garden!

Kids snacking while I was weeding this weekend.

Scotty fertilizing our plants for the first time tonight.

Our weeders (Noah showing the weed stash in the bucket).

Our cantaloupe is starting to flower - yay!!

Green beans are coming in!

Our neighbors said corn should be knee-high by the 4th of July - our corn is
already beyond that height and we're still 3 weeks out from that holiday, sweet!!

Our garden is growing, PTL!!!

And here's our "Sweet Honey Pumpkin" (a nickname she's had almost since birth).

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