Saturday, October 24, 2015

First tooth and other baby things

At Amber's recent 6 month checkup the Dr. asked if she had any teeth yet.  I said no, but after taking a peek in her mouth I saw her first tooth bud coming up!  Along with her first tooth, this little lady is so close to crawling - she gets up on all fours constantly and can move a little bit.  She's going to be our earliest crawler for sure!  We all find such joy in her being around.  She's got the sweetest smile and enough sass to liven things up.

She's a great sitter now.

Up on all fours.

Moving enough to get stuck.

Almost crawling.

You can just barely see her bottom left tooth.


Monday, October 5, 2015

My "Workers"

The first Saturday of every month Home Depot holds a kid's workshop. I had never taken the kids to one until this month. :-) And it wasn't just any ol' workshop - October is Fire Safety month so there was a fire truck and police car out front of the store for the kids to explore. After enjoying the rescue vehicles, we went inside and they got to assemble their own wooden fire trucks. They each received an orange "Home Depot" apron with their truck kit and then they began swinging away with hammers to their heart's content (poor Noah banged his pinky finger towards the end of assembly). Joy stopped by the face painting station on our way out and then we picked up some popcorn to go. When we got home they continued wearing their aprons and declared themselves to be "workers" as they stuffed their pockets with their toy tools. I'd say they had fun (and I admit I kinda did too)! ;-)

Fire truck assembly

Painting - how about "fire engine red" for a color choice ;-)