Thursday, March 31, 2011

My hubby made me an App!!!

A few weeks ago Scotty had the idea to make me an app to record nursing/pumping sessions for Joy. He was determined to make it a reality so sat down and made me an app in 5 hours!! My husband rocks. I totally used it everyday while breastfeeding. It was a great way to quickly track the feedings and pumpings, and it's a super cute design too.

After a week or two of fine-tuning and adding some more features, he submitted it to Apple and it was approved! So if you are are a nursing mom who wants to track your baby's breast milk feedings and/or pumping sessions, buy this superb app, "Mommy's Milk," for only $.99! And if you happen to know of any LaLeche groups, please pass the word along. :-)  (Can be used on iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad).

Here's the link for the Apple Store:

Here's the promo web-site with more info:

Here's a little snapshot (LIVE in the App Store!):

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chubby cheeks in style ;-)

Joy has many nicknames already - lil Lady, sweetsie, baby sister, etc. I can't help but call her chubby cheeks, can you tell why?

Her little limbs have been pushing out of the Newborn size clothes; I had fun pulling out some 0-3 months this week. This outfit is too adorable - (thanks Beth)!! :-)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Red Wings

Micah has a kid's Bible that we try to read out of every morning. The story of Jesus going up to Heaven isn't new to Micah, but it struck him in a new way today...

After hearing the account of Jesus' ascension and looking at the photo closer, Micah began to wonder if Jesus could fly. I told Him that Jesus was taken up into Heaven. I reminded him that Elijah had been taken up to Heaven too, with a chariot and horses (another illustrated story in His Bible). Jesus was lifted up and then a cloud hid Him. I told him I didn't really think either of them were "flying."

After mulling it over longer, Micah came to his conclusion. He said emphatically, "Jesus flies. The red scarf is His wings."

You know what? Maybe he's right; I could be the one who's wrong here...

The iBundle (and other photos)

Scotty is a fan of Apple's products, which generally start with an "i" - iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iMac, etc. The other day Scotty wrapped Joy up in a blanket and renamed the swaddle. In our house, we now call it the "iBundle." :-)

Daddy with a cheesy grin showing off the iBundle:

My, oh my, how time flies! Micah used to be Joy's size on this little mat...

We all just love Joy to pieces...we are truly blessed!

Friday, March 18, 2011

If Joy could speak

"I really don't like this hat over my eyes...

...and I'm really hungry!!!"

"Thanks for feeding me" [this is what daddy calls the "milk coma"]

"What now, mom?"

"Play time, woo-hoo!"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Over 60 degrees Fahrenheit - woohoo!!

What a gorgeous day God gave us western Michiganders today! The sun shone brightly, continued to melt the snow and brought warmth as well. I couldn't resist a walk outside, so I placed Joy in the Hotsling, Micah and I got our sneakers on, and then we headed outdoors.

Incredible. Warm. Slightly breezy. Beautiful!

We all thoroughly enjoyed our time outside. Joy fell asleep during the walk, so she continued to snooze when we got home, but Micah got to ride his bike after months of being in the garage for winter. He also got to play with one of his cool remote control trucks he got for Christmas from Papa and Mama Ruth.

What a wonderful day! Thank you, Lord, for Your creativity in making the seasons!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Recharged batteries

Micah has a recent fascination with batteries. Well, I should say the power that batteries provide, such as for his remote control cars and various other toys and things. Tonight while Scotty was praying he asked God to "recharge our batteries" tonight for the next day tomorrow. Micah interjected with a question, but Scotty told him to wait until he had finished praying. Shortly after the "Amen" Micah just had to get is question answered. The poor kid was confused and declared, "Why do we need recharged batteries?! We don't need to be charged!!"

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bottle Time

Joy's not picky...she'll drink a bottle from anyone, anywhere, anytime. :-)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pictures from this week

Okay, so the title of this post is lame-o, but this week has been anything but boring! We have all just loved having my mom in town!! Quality time, delicious meals, dishes that seem to wash themselves and good conversations have been just a few things that have taken place this week. We also had a quick visit from Scott's best friend ("Uncle Luke") which was welcomed and fun. Here are some pics that document these special times. God is so good, and so very kind to surround us with loving friends and family.

Joy is getting more alert everyday!

Joy loves grandma Sovilla!

First time "Uncle" Luke and Joy met!

Scotty got me flowers when he went grocery shopping...what a sweetheart

Reading library books with g'ma

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Diaper Cake

I am blessed to spend time with some of the sweetest girls and work alongside some of the kindest ladies at our church's GEMS Girls' Club. Last night they presented me with a Diaper Cake and other various gifts for Joy. What a thoughtful group of gals (and cute, aren't they)?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Super Joy!

By day, an average citizen...

By night, Super Baby!