Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pictures from this week

Okay, so the title of this post is lame-o, but this week has been anything but boring! We have all just loved having my mom in town!! Quality time, delicious meals, dishes that seem to wash themselves and good conversations have been just a few things that have taken place this week. We also had a quick visit from Scott's best friend ("Uncle Luke") which was welcomed and fun. Here are some pics that document these special times. God is so good, and so very kind to surround us with loving friends and family.

Joy is getting more alert everyday!

Joy loves grandma Sovilla!

First time "Uncle" Luke and Joy met!

Scotty got me flowers when he went grocery shopping...what a sweetheart

Reading library books with g'ma

1 comment:

R.A. said...

That top picture is the cutest thing ever. And you can tell Mom is having the time of her life. How does Micah like having her there?