Thursday, March 31, 2011

My hubby made me an App!!!

A few weeks ago Scotty had the idea to make me an app to record nursing/pumping sessions for Joy. He was determined to make it a reality so sat down and made me an app in 5 hours!! My husband rocks. I totally used it everyday while breastfeeding. It was a great way to quickly track the feedings and pumpings, and it's a super cute design too.

After a week or two of fine-tuning and adding some more features, he submitted it to Apple and it was approved! So if you are are a nursing mom who wants to track your baby's breast milk feedings and/or pumping sessions, buy this superb app, "Mommy's Milk," for only $.99! And if you happen to know of any LaLeche groups, please pass the word along. :-)  (Can be used on iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad).

Here's the link for the Apple Store:

Here's the promo web-site with more info:

Here's a little snapshot (LIVE in the App Store!):

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had no idea your husband made this!! A friend from church was telling me about this app just last week! I can't wait to tell her that I know the lady it was created for. :)