Saturday, July 30, 2011

Stone delivery

Micah is currently glued to our front living room window.  We're having some landscaping done (kindly gifted to us by my in-laws).  While Scotty and I are excited to see some improvements out front, Micah just likes watching all the action - shoveling, plant placement, wheelbarrows, and most recently, stone delivery.  (I know it's not the best video clip of Micah, grandma Sovilla, but it's a start)!  Oh, and the squeal in the middle of the video is Micah, not Joy. :-)

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Joy's Jumperoo

My in-laws got Joy a Jumperoo and she is just loving it! Big brother has been having plenty of fun with it too - turning the music on for Joy, helping her bounce, playing with the toys, etc...

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Baby milestones!

Here are some pictures of Joy over the past month or so documenting little "milestones" as she exits the newborn phase and enters infancy!

Growing in the cuteness factor, and playing with her toys more (thanks for this one, great g'ma and g'pa Ruth)!

Learning to hold and use the sippy cup (still working on this one...)

"Eating" bananas through this baby mesh bag, and sitting in her high chair:

Holding her bottle (kind of hit or miss, depending on her mood) :-)

Eating baby cereal (will only eat it if there's banana in it, our little sweet tooth already)!

Holding her head up all the time for tummy time!

Sitting up in the stroller like a big girl...

Rolling! [FB users, click "view original post" for video]

Friday, July 22, 2011

Per grandma Sovilla's request...'s another video clip. :-)

[For Facebook users, click "view original post" to see video]

Thursday, July 21, 2011

5 years!

Earlier this month, Scotty and I celebrated our 5-year wedding anniversary! On special occasions such as this, I enjoy thinking back on the previous anniversaries...

In 2006 we tied the knot! We began our life together as husband and wife in the great city of Chicago, happy to be done with school and thankful to be married!

On our first wedding anniversary in 2007, we had just returned from a mission's trip to Chihuahua, I was nannying and Scotty was working for a non-profit on the westside of Chicago. We were anticipating the birth of our firstborn, a son, later that year. Parenthood, here we come!

On our second anniversary in 2008, we were on the brink of some major changes - a move and a job change! In the midst of planning and thinking about the next steps, we enjoyed a visit from two of my sisters. They handed us a $100 dollar bill and told us to go eat out at a fancy steakhouse downtown while they baby-sat Micah for free. On the ride home, I saw my dinner for a second time...and about 5 more times when I got home. Uncomfortable at the time, but a totally funny memory now.

On our third anniversary in 2009, we had just closed on our first house! We had really been enjoying our time living in Michigan and Scott had a great job where he could work from home. We stepped into home-ownership and many renovations ahead...

On our fourth anniversary in 2010, we had just found out that we were pregnant with our second baby. We were on our way to a lovely Independence Day celebration in PA. Life had begun to be pretty "manageable" and we had all our routines set, but we were super excited for the forthcoming arrival of #2 and the newness, challenges and joys this bundle would bring.

On our fifth anniversary this year, we were blessed by free baby-sitting from Uncle Brad and DeeDee for our now TWO kiddos, and we stole away for dinner, a movie and a walk. Year 5 had brought a beautiful little girl our way, an every growing little boy, a newly acquired skill for Scotty (iOS development with two apps in iTunes), and great ministry opportunities for me in Girl's Club and Bible Study.

We've now entered year 6, what do you have for us, Lord? We're so thankful for the full 5 years He's already given to us. Thanks for celebrating with us, supporting us and praying for us along the way.

250 miles for a hug

Yesterday the kids and I hopped in the van and drove down to Indiana for the day.  We got to see "auntie" Julie (good friend from college), and also catch a glimpse of "uncle" Jeff on his current worksite (outside renovations on a house).  

Even though we had to drive back last night, our 5-hour visit was simply wonderful.  We've kept in contact off and on the past few years in life's ups and downs, and I'm so thankful for her!  I'm thankful for my hubby too who trusted me with the van, the kids and 250 miles of road so I could spend some time with Jules (and a few hugs too). :-)    There's nothing like a Julie hug.

Monday, July 11, 2011


[For Facebook users, click "view original link" to see video - this one's worth it!]

Joy just being herself - joyful. :-)


[For Facebook users, click "view original link" to see video.]

After picking cherries last week, Micah enjoyed helping me take the stems off, wash, pit and prepare for freezing.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day

One the 4th of July, we headed out for a new family adventure - our first time cherry picking (at Moelker's Orchard.)

Micah was great at helping carry the bucket and pick cherries

Joy was "helping" from the stroller

Black sweet cherries

White gold cherries

We all came home and cooled down in the pool...

...though Joy preferred to observe from the sidelines

After another deliciously grilled dinner (thanks to my sweetie), Scotty and I watched "Taking Chance." It's a film that depicts the journey of a marine killed in battle being cared for and delivered back home by another marine escort (true story). It reminds me that many men and women have not only fought but also given their lives to secure our country's freedom. A heartfelt thanks to all you servicemen and women, along with your families, for your sacrifice and service!

Independence Day Eve

We celebrated Independence Day with Scotty's family on Sunday. Boy, did we have fun! The festivities began at 4:00 with a delicious cook-out, followed by some time in the new pool Papa got for Micah.

Then we began the fire works fun with little things like poppers, smoke balls, crackle balls, fountains and sparklers.

By the time we used up all the "little" stuff, the sun had just about set and we enjoyed the "big" stuff!

This is Papa with his stash :-)

We ended the day around 11:00 - Micah was such a trooper and loved every minute of it!!  (And so did the rest of us). ;-)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Rocking and Rolling!

A couple days ago I laid Joy down on her back, and when I came back she was taking a little snooze on her tummy! Since then, she's rolled a couple more times - we've got a semi-mobile baby on our hands now. :-)

Joy's got quite the voice too! Here's a little video clip of her rocking out with her elephant friend...

(If you're trying to view the video in Facebook, click "view original post" or go straight to our blog)