Monday, July 25, 2011

Baby milestones!

Here are some pictures of Joy over the past month or so documenting little "milestones" as she exits the newborn phase and enters infancy!

Growing in the cuteness factor, and playing with her toys more (thanks for this one, great g'ma and g'pa Ruth)!

Learning to hold and use the sippy cup (still working on this one...)

"Eating" bananas through this baby mesh bag, and sitting in her high chair:

Holding her bottle (kind of hit or miss, depending on her mood) :-)

Eating baby cereal (will only eat it if there's banana in it, our little sweet tooth already)!

Holding her head up all the time for tummy time!

Sitting up in the stroller like a big girl...

Rolling! [FB users, click "view original post" for video]


R.A. said...

OMW! How cute! And her hair is so blond!

Mommy said...

Can't wait to see this in person!