Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Promoted to shepherd

Our church had their Children's Christmas Program on Sunday. It was Micah's first one to be involved in, so I was all ready with the camera. Prior to the big event, Micah and I went to the practice on Saturday morning. When it came time to do the "dress rehearsal" part, Micah was supposed to be a part of the flock. When he got the sheep hat on, he started crying...he was not feeling it. Our pastor's wife was super nice and said there was an extra shepherd's outfit if Micah wanted to try it. He tried it and liked it; now he matched the other boys who are slightly older than him.

On Sunday morning Micah just stood there...though I know he knows all the lyrics for the songs the kids sang (because he sings them at home!!), he didn't say a word, nor did he do one hand motion. He just stood there shepherd-like, and watched the other kids perform. :-)

Hanging out in the back with some friends before the program:

Micah sportin' his shepherd costume:

1 comment:

Mommy said...

Cute! Wish I could have been there. Did you record it?