Monday, January 17, 2011

Your Application “Is Ready For Sale”

Scotty's most recent blog post, thought I'd re-post it here - woo-hoo!!

PRAISE THE LORD, I DID IT! After 6 months of development I finally got my app submitted to Apple and APPROVED! It all happened last week. I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog, and on Twitter these days, but that’s because I’ve been busy! Busy fine-tuning my app, busy setting up iTunesConnect, busy learning how to prepare an Xcode project for submission.

I submitted my app last Tuesday night. It was such a great feeling to finally see the words “Waiting for Review”. No matter what happens now, at least I’ve taken that first big step and handed my work over to the critical eye of the app reviewers. I was planning for the review process to take a week or two, so imagine my joy and surprise when I got an email on Friday afternoon that the app was now “In Review”. Ahhh! That means a real person at Apple is putting my work under a microscope right now! Holding my breath, not knowing how long this could take… But then, within a few short hours I got yet another email that said “Your Application is Ready for Sale”.

So my app had only been submitted for 3 days, and only in review for about 6 hours before being accepted! That was WAY quicker than I expected!

Oh man, I can’t tell you how excited I was. I couldn’t help running around the house shouting. It was such a great feeling, like a burden had been lifted. Since it was almost dinner time I took my wonderful wife and son out to dinner to celebrate. My wife Bekah has been a huge encouragement to me through the process, and I can’t thank her enough.

I was so happy that the process went smoothly. But I have to say that a lot of things in iTunesConnect are not obvious. I had to do a lot of prep work to figure out what I needed before officially submitting. I was also afraid of the website timing out in the middle of the process. Seemed a bit short, so I recommend you get all your stuff together first before adding your app. It will make things a little less stressful.

So what now? Well, the app still isn’t for sale yet. I plan to do some more testing and prepare some marketing. I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me still, but I hope to do the product launch in about 2-3 weeks. Sometime in early February. If anyone would like to test an ad-hoc version then just let me know!

Thanks to everyone for everything! I’ll keep you posted as the release draws closer.

1 comment:

Tim Dorenkamp said...

Congrats, Scotty! That is so awesome to reach this milestone. I hope it starts to pay off for you soon after you put it up for sale.