Sunday, December 18, 2011

Our ever moving Nativity

Last year Scotty and I got the kids a play nativity for Christmas (I was really the one who wanted it). :-)  Micah and Joy just love it!  Playing with it, telling the story, moving it around, etc.  Well, Micah has been getting pretty creative with the figurines lately... 

Yesterday Micah put the angel "in Heaven with God" (at the top of our stairs).  The thing is, I forgot he put it there, so when I flipped the light on to go upstairs later that night, I saw this mini shining angel "in Heaven" at the top.  Made me smile.

Today I found one of the Wise the top of a tree.  Ha!  Don't know what Micah was thinking about in regards to putting him there.

After cleaning up today and putting things in order, I have come up short 3 of the pieces - Baby Jesus, Joseph and a lamb.  When I see Mary in the stable with her palms open, it's like she's asking where her family has gone.  Sorry, Mary, I searched high and low (even under the couch) and they are nowhere to be found.  But I know they'll show up one of these days...


Unknown said...

We are constantly losing ours, too! But at our house, they are lost because my son likes to throw things.

R.A. said...

Ha! Nice! My favorite is that Heaven and God are at the top of the stairs...

Rachel said...

I love this! Your quote for the last one is perfect!! Some of my friends here have been posting pictures of their own sons' interpretation of the Nativity and Buzz Lightyear is often in attendance.

Brenda F. said...

love it. my grandkids use to play with ours and we loved it. kids can be so creative.