Thursday, January 19, 2012

A funny kind of winter

We've had hardly any snow this winter, which is quite unusual (I think) for Michigan.  I say "I think" because I only have a few Michigan winters under my belt to consider. :-)  And when it does fall, it keeps melting away...It's allowed for more ease in driving, which is nice (I'm still nervous on icy roads).  And Micah has been able to drive some of his new remote controlled vehicles outside - in mid-January no less!!  Now mind you, it still is cold (as you can tell from Micah's choice of mask instead of a plain old hat when playing outside)...

When it does snow though, Micah just LOVES watching daddy snow-plow, and he's roped Joy into watching as well.  I think I had mentioned to Micah that there would probably be snow by Christmas, so now when the flurries do come down and the ground is covered in white, he declares, "It looks like Christmas!"

Well, happy winter everyone!  We could potentially still have snow through April, so I'm sure there'll be more sledding posts and stories in the near future.  Until then, my two little munchkins find plenty to do in the house with no snow...



Mommy said...

Looks like Joy likes to squeeze into tight spaces like her mommy did!

R.A. said...

Mom, those were the EXACT words I was going to type!! How funny!