Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Autumn Adventures

We just had the most beautiful fall - ever.  The colors of orange, red and yellow on the treetops and drifting to the ground were just gorgeous!  And the temperatures were unbelievable - we had some days in the 60s in November (pretty much unheard of for Michigan this time of year).  Usually in the fall we would be busy raking, raking and raking...but at our new home we don't have any trees!  Scotty and I found ourselves with more time on our hands and we enjoyed some fall family adventures, and the kids and I were able to be outside more often during the school week.

Petting zoo at a local Expo.

Amber sportin' her pouty lower lip.

Enjoying the big bunny!

Enjoying the great outdoors before...

...going in to get ice cream at a creamery, yum!

It was *just* warm enough to dip feet in the lake after ice cream.

The fall view from our backyard...

...Taking a ride in a "mule" around our backyard neighbor's land.

Saw inside the barn that we see from our backyard.

Enjoying playing in a pile of leaves from our next door neighbor.
(Doesn't quite compare to the leaf piles from our last house). ;-)

Here's an "obstacle course" Micah set up on one of our last warm days:

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