Friday, August 22, 2008

Fungus among us...

Sometime over the last weekend, Micah developed a diaper rash. I treated it for a couple days with a number of sample diaper rash creams I've acquired since he's been born (Desitin, Balmex, Johnson & Johnson)...yet nothing seemed to really help it go away! I finally decided to call the Doctor's office yesterday. I spoke with a nice nurse named Monica and I described the rash that had been spreading over my son's lower regions.

I was told to treat it with Lotrimin. "Isn't that for foot fungus?" I inquired. Yes...Lotrimin is for foot fungus, and ringworm, and jock itch, and anything else fungus related. So, basically my son's "diaper rash" has morphed into fungus. Dr's orders were to change Micah whenever his diaper gets soiled so he's not sitting in moisture; wipe with a washcloth, not baby wipes; let him air-dry (2-10 minutes) after each diaper change; then lather him up with anti-fungal cream.

Letting an avid crawler who is 11 months old "air dry" after every diaper change is just asking for trouble. Yesterday he did fine - crawling around in the nude for several minutes after changing his diaper went better than I had anticipated. But I began to trust my son's capability to not pee in the house while naked too soon...

I was catching up with my sister Elizabeth today. While chit-chatting, I took care of my fungus-bum son by taking off a soiled diaper and letting him dry out naturally. I let him air-out about 10 seconds too long...I glanced over at Micah, standing up by the coffee table, and all of a sudden I see a stream of something yellow pooling at his feet. "Elizabeth, I have to go! Micah's peeing on the floor!"

The funniest part about it is that Micah didn't even think anything unusual was going on. The only difference is that there is usually a diaper to keep everything in place.

1 comment:

Heather said...

You are very brave, and I think I have just changed my mind about having children! ;-)