Monday, October 18, 2010

Entering the world of pink and purple...

On Friday afternoon Scotty, Micah and I got to witness an incredible sight - the upcoming addition to the Ruth family alive and well in my womb.  We also found out the gender - a GIRL!!  I have to admit, I was shocked; I've been in boy world for 3 years now, I'll have some adjusting to do.  But wow, we are SO excited.

Seeing our little girl (that sounds so nice) :-) was a blessing.  She's growing and developing well.  We got to see the four chambers of her heart functioning beautifully and watched the ultrasound technician measure her skull, abdomen, femur bone, etc.  Her movements were adorable (with an occasional jab or kick that I felt and saw at the same time - so cool)! Here's a picture of her profile and belly (head on right, belly on left):

After the ultrasound, we spent the rest of the afternoon as a family, soaking in the news and just enjoying one another's company.  We picked up Micah a "big brother" book, as well as a little nameplate for our daughter (that matches Micah's), along with her first dress:

God is SO good.  We see His hand at work in our family now through joys and challenges, and we are excited to see Him continue that as little baby Ruth joins us in February.  Only He can continue to unite Scott and I in parenting and supply the wisdom, love and grace we need to raise children in His amazing ways.  Only He can work in the heart of our children to understand their need for a Savior and place faith in Jesus who loves them so much and died for their sins.

Thanks for rejoicing with us!      

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