Thursday, January 13, 2011

Quotable Micah

-The other day we were all running errands. As we were finding a parking spot at a store, Micah energetically told us a quick tale from the back seat, "Run into the store! Grab some lot of things and throw them into your big house!"

-Yesterday Micah and I were goofing off and I was making a funny face, raising my eyebrows up and down. He ran away and then said, "Can you please not let your eyebrows jump?"

-Micah's currently fascinated by growing. He and Scott had a conversation the other day in which Scott explained his path from baby to boy to young man to middle aged man to old man. Today we had our handyman here fixing something, and Micah asked, "Are you going to be an old man?"

-Micah is learning that there are first, middle and last names. He's got baby sister's name down (we've slowing been telling people after announcing it to families on Christmas). When Papa Ruth asked what her last name was going to be he successfully said "Ruth." But when daddy asked the same question a few days later, Micah said her last name was "baby sister."

-At dinner Micah told me, "I like spending time with you."

-Scotty's at a meeting tonight, presenting his app to some fellow developers. When Micah prayed before bed tonight, he prayed, "for daddy showing people his app."

1 comment:

Mommy said...

Too cute! I'm glad you recorded these. I remember many things you girls said...the problem is sometimes I can't remember which one said it.