Monday, June 27, 2011

Windmill show and other sights...

Earlier this month we drove to NE for a family reunion.  It was a loooong drive there and back, but the kids did great!!  Micah had some new travel toys, Joy had a fully stocked diaper bag, and Scotty and I passed the time listening to The Silver Chair and The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis on CD.  Here's just a quick sampling of some of the sights we saw and things we did. 

During the drive, we would occasionally see a windmill.  At one point, there were a ton of them and when Micah saw them he excitedly declared that it was a "windmill show." 

 My in-laws were super nice and put us up in a nice hotel.  We enjoyed THE BEST complimentary breakfast every morning, a quick dip in the swimming pool, and here's Joy showing off her baby skills in the hotel mirror - standing with mommy's help!

 On Thursday afternoon we went to the Strategic Air and Space Museum which had the coolest selection of retired aircrafts, some of which were absolutely massive!

Though Friday was officially "reunion" day, most everyone got together to get the fun started on Thursday night for bowling.  Micah's first time, and he loved it! 

This is a picture of grandpa and grandma with just the grandkids and spouses.  The family has grown past 100+ people already!

 Here were some additional "cool" sightings while we drove...

The Blue Angels flew right over us when we were driving through Iowa.

We were stuck in some Chicago traffic next to Carl Edwards Nascar car for awhile.

 The trip was a nice little vacation where we enjoyed family, made new memories, talked and laughed, and of course ate lots of good food!  I'm so thankful for the family God allowed me to marry into. ;-)


R.A. said...

Looks like SO much fun! I wish we had one of those. The Horse and His Boy is my favorite.

Mommy said...

I was so happy to see a new blog post! Thanks for sharing the pictures!