Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lions and tigers and a Joy-Bear - oh my!

Goodness, I have blinked and February has simply flown by! The month started out with a successful and fun fundraising breakfast for Boys/Girls Club at church (thank you, Lord, and thank you volunteers)! The month continued to trek along with homeschooling, BraviBit business, BSF and GEMS. Before we knew it, we were celebrating Joy's 1st birthday. Along the way we've been having family adventures in the winter snow and the winter sun (funny how these past few months of weather have panned out). Before February comes to a close, I wanted to get some photos posted.  Here's a sampling of just some animals we enjoyed seeing at the zoo this past weekend.  I was surprised at how many were out, even in the snow.  We all had a great time!

I pointed out to Micah that these fish in the sea anemone looked like the car wash we drive through.  He then dubbed this the "Fish Wash" :-)

1 comment:

Mommy said...

I like the last picture the best! It's like Micah's whole body language is saying "I'm done".