Thursday, February 9, 2012

Outdoor School!

So far the groundhog hasn't seen his shadow in MI - quite different from last year!  Yet don't let the sun fool you - it's still cold...but not too cold; Micah and I spent some time bundled up outside while Joy napped one day.  Along with driving his Jeep and bike around, we pulled out the chalk and had an impromptu school session!  You know, it's neat because I've been asking God to help me be a creative, encouraging and patient teacher this year (with homeschooling, Bible Study and Girls' Club).  And though I have a long way to go, I count using chalk academically on a winter's day in my driveway as an idea He planted straight in my brain to make learning fun!

Art (that was definitely both of us, copying the chalk box picture):



We also wrote out a Spanish word and did some connect-the-dots...and recreation too!

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