Friday, May 25, 2012

Passing On the Teaching Baton!

Yesterday the kids and I were going to "swing" by a friend's house from church, to sort through her collection of kids book and maybe take a few home.  Well, 2 hours later I left with oodles of goodies!!  Our friend had been a teacher for 31 years, so she had boxes and boxes of organized and categorized books and teacher's guides.  Not only was her collection an absolute goldmine, but our friend herself has such a wealth of knowledge inside of her!  I kept gathering teaching tips from her as she spoke through different developmental patterns of kids, techniques, and issues.  WOW.  I came home with more than my fair share of manuals, workbooks, storybooks, educational picture books, early readers, a game or two, and even a couple board books for Joy. 

It was such an encouraging visit, and she was way too generous with her time, resources and conversation.  And while I had delved into box after box, her husband was "teaching" Micah all sorts of things - bird sounds, rainbows, piano, crafts...what a blessing. 

THANK YOU, dear ones (you know who you are)! :-)

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