Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wrapping Paper

During my many days of bargain shopping at garage sales earlier this year, I stumbled across two boxes full of half-used spools of wrapping paper, for I think it was $.05-$.25 each. As I shuffled through them all, the lady in charge of the garage sale piped up and said, "You can have all of them for a dollar." I jumped on the opportunity and made the purchase.

Those two boxes of wrapping paper sat in my in-laws garage for months before we moved into our house, and Scott would tease me about them. Yet I still knew this garage sale find would have a moment of greatness. We moved into our house in October, and those two boxes found their way into a corner in our basement, hardly visible to anyone who may find their way down there.

Then on one crisp November afternoon I arrived home from the mall after some Christmas shopping and thought it was time to pay the ole wrapping paper boxes a visit. What I discovered was such a variety of papers (70+!!), that I could successfully wrap gifts for each of my family members with a different kind. The photograph shows the papers I chose for my sisters' packages, fitting each personality perfectly...

I think birthdays and Christmas are going to be fun this year with all the wrapping choices I have!!