Monday, August 16, 2010

The progression of a weekend

This past weekend was a mixture of down time at home and fun little outings.

Micah chillin' out with dad on the couch, watching him play on the iPod Touch.

Saturday evening we enjoyed a feast and great fellowship at Brad Baar's house (Amanda's boyfriend) with a combined family BBQ (Ruths/Baars). We got to meet his parents (dad below), 2 bros and 1 sis-in-law, while also in the company of Papa, Mama, and DeeDee! Thanks for a great 1st dual family gathering, Brad!

Sunday morning Scotty and Micah gave mommy some time to herself at home while they went to see Papa at a reopening (well, just renaming) of one of the Spartan stores. They came home with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and Micah's declaration of "Mommy's wonderful!" :-)

For dinner on Sunday night, Scotty and Micah had another "guy's outing" and picked up some food for a personal family grill-out at home (just for the 3 of us). It was such a beautiful evening, with a slight breeze and 0% humidity (we've just pushed through 2 months of a very hot and humid summer). After we stuffed ourselves silly, we enjoyed a nice family walk. I found this little bumblebee earlier, who was also enjoying the weather (and food).