Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stay between the lines, the lines are our friends...

Micah's not much of a crafty kid, which is fine with me, because I am super uncreative and am not big into crafts either. I do, however, like to color. Micah has a small assortment of coloring books and scrap paper that he scribbles on from time to time, but it usually doesn't hold his interest too long. Generally he ends up handing me crayons, and watching me color until he gets bored of that too.

Last week something changed though. I think it's literally a developmental advancement that just took time to happen. He's coloring in the lines! I don't know why, but this was just so exciting for me. One day we sat down to scribble/color, and all of a sudden I see him actually concentrating and focusing on what he's doing. Before it was all said and done, he had colored page after page of pictures with blue (not perfectly in the lines, mind you, but obviously attempting to color the shapes and pictures). A couple days prior, he had also successfully taken a pen and drawn around words in a newspaper I had given him, whereas usually he would just...scribble.

Anyway, I know I've rambled on enough. I just think it's neat to see his growth and improvement which just naturally takes place. His coloring sessions are lasting a bit longer; I can tell he's enjoying them more as he can focus and really see a finished, colored project. Here's the picture he colored this morning (with ZERO help from me):


Anonymous said...

That is fantastic! He is growing so fast :-) We are seeing the same happen with Jonathan. He is nowhere near coloring, but he is growing like a weed!!

Mommy said...

Save a picture for Grandma!