Monday, October 25, 2010

Is IHOP hiring?

On Saturday I asked Micah if he wanted to help me make pancakes. Of course he said, "yes." It's become kind of a tradition to cook pancakes together at least 1 or 2 Saturdays a month. Usually we make circles, ovals, snowmen and Mickey Mouse shapes. However, Micah wanted to get a bit more creative this past time around. He requested a number of different animals and people. I tried my best, and here's what we ended up with:

A bee:

John (Jesus's disciple):

A dog:

I couldn't fulfill his request to make a moose or grass-hopper, and he kindly understand that it was too hard for mommy. I don't think I should put my resume into IHOP anytime soon, but it was fun to dabble in culinary arts with my imaginative 3 year old son.


Rachel said...

Bekah, check out these pancakes. :)

Mommy said...


R.A. said...

How fun!! And John, Jesus' disciple? Now that is just PRECIOUS!