Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Leaf Raking Season!!

The first layer of leaves have fallen from our oaks, but there are still plenty of stubborn leaves hanging on. So today I stepped into my backyard with a couple rakes, a stack of lawn bags, a trash can, some other misc. yard tools, and determination. Micah joined me with his Jeep and willingness to help.

Last year I was surprised when I discovered just how many leaves our oaks shed each year. I hadn't realized the magnitude of the job of raking leaves in our yards! So this year I feel better prepared for the task at hand, and am not kidding myself that I can get this job done in a jiffy. Micah and I were able to begin chiseling away at this fall-time chore (which really wasn't too bad), and it ended up being kind of fun for both of us.

Micah "drove" the full leaf bags through the backyard...

...around to the front yard and to the garage for me.

This is only the beginning (we had approximately 50 last year).

1/5 of one layer down...

...many, many more to come...


Rachel said...

Well of course leaf raking is more fun when you have that cutie driving your leaves around in a Jeep! So cute!!!

Mommy said...

What fun memories for Micah! (and mommy)