Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tummy Time

My son hates tummy time - outright cries, tears, screams and frustration whenever Scott or I place him on his stomach. I don't know if my child will ever learn to crawl.

One day I was talking to my sister Rachel about how Micah vehemently opposes "tummy time" even though it is good for him. Tummy time will help him learn how to crawl, which will in-turn help him learn how to walk, then run, etc...Tummy time is an essential part of growing up - even if he doesn't like it! Now, if he would just quite fussing and start learning!

Rachel made the point that often God puts us on "tummy time." At times God is doing something in our lives that we cry, scream and get frustrated about. He knows that "tummy time" is good for us, but we often fight against it. Fact is, God is using whatever it is in our lives (our specific "tummy time") to grow us.

I do hope Micah learns how to crawl...I also hope that next time God is working in my life for my own good (my "tummy time") that I would quite fussing and start learning!

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