Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I am currently dog-sitting for a neighbor down the street. The pooch's name is Rex, and he is an adorable 8-month old Beagle. He absolutely LOVES people, and whimpers EVERY time I leave him (we meet up and part ways 6 times a day, and the only time he hasn't whined is if he's busy eating).

He's been having some accidents. I don't know if it's because he can't hold it, or if he's rebelling because his "people" are gone. Either way, I've gotten real good at seeing the poo pile or pee puddle and 409-ing it with some paper towels. But today, I missed a pile, and I was not the one to first find it...

It was about 10:00 a.m. and Rex and I had said good-bye to each other just 2 hours prior. I had Micah in tow, and I got to cleaning up Rex's breakfast dishes while Micah watched the "puppy" out back. All of a sudden Micah started acting very concerned, may've have even declared an "uh-oh" or two, and kinda started panicking behind the dining room table. I came to his aid, and found his little brown shoe even browner. Now, he hadn't merely bumped into the poo pile, but from the looks of it, he had deliberately stepped directly on top of it and was pushing his little shoe deeper still into the muck. Gross.

I popped his little foot out of the mess and let him walk around with one shoe off and one shoe on while I decided what to do next - do I actually salvage the little loafer that has poo in every single groove on the bottom, or do I chuck it? (I had just bought these shoes a few weeks ago)! Whatever I decided, I knew Micah was going to have to travel in socks the rest of the day, because these were currently his only pair of shoes!!

I stomached the clean-up of both the floor and the shoe (I wore a plastic glove while de-pooing the shoe grooves), said my good-byes to Rex, and hopped in the car while I used (800)GOOG-411 and declared "Shoe Store" (a GREAT and free service offered by Google). It connected me to a Payless Shoe Source, and then Micah and I were off on a mission - new sneakers!

Micah entered the store in only socks, and exited the store wearing some brand new shoes (mommy also got a super cute pair for only $4 - there was a really good sale going on)!

I am still dog-sitting Rex for about 5 more days. Oh what adventures lie ahead?

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