Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ruth Family Bloopers Journal

One of my friends keeps a family bloopers journal. She has it tucked away in a kitchen cabinet, accessible anytime she needs to write down a new funny story about her, her husband, or 4 children. She jots down the story and the date, then tucks it away again. I was over there a while back and she read through some of the entries (no more than a 3-4 line story) and laughed with her and some of her children as they also listened to some old family tales. I thought I'd like to do the same, so that Scotty, Micah and I can keep track of our goofiness, and come back to it when we need a good laugh or simply to reminisce. Here are my first two entries (I was kind of long-winded, so these were definitely longer than a 3-4 line story, and I couldn't remember the exact date)...

February 2009
Poor Micah was pretty sick - running a steady fever and battling an ear infection. A couple hours after he had went down for the night he woke up fussy. Mom (and soon dad too) came to his aid and found him half asleep and cranky (and really hot to the touch). Bekah asked Micah, "Do you want some water?" Micah, in a drunk-like fashion, stated, "Wawa, wawa, wawa" and let himself drink deeply form the sippy cup before him. With each break in gulping he would state, "Wawa" and then go back to drinking. After no longer being parched, he was laid back in bed and fell asleep in moments. He had honestly seemed like a drunken sailor, desperate for any form of liquid.

March 2009
One night Bekah woke up to Scott fidgeting. Bekah asked him, "What are you doing?" He responded, "I didn't know you were awake...I didn't know I was awake...I'm pickin' my nose!" They both fell asleep again shortly thereafter.

1 comment:

R.A. said...

Hm...that last one...I thought you were going to tell another story...