Thursday, May 26, 2011

Quotable Micah

  • Micah can't quite remember the word bracelet - he's called it an arm necklace and, my personal favorite, an "armklace."
  • One day Micah had a runny nose and he informed me that his "nose tears were coming out."
  • Micah knows that it is daddy and mommy's job to be the "boss."  When we were playing the game Memory (with the Cars characters), I told him that Tex was The King's boss.  He asked if Tex was The King's dad?
  • Along the same lines...Micah knows that Jesus is God's Son, and is the King of everyone everywhere.  Micah got confused by the Cars character "The King," thinking he was a car god?? ;-)
  • Our church is on a daily Bible reading plan (One Book One Body).  We have really enjoyed our family "Bible time" at home, knowing that many others are reading the same thing.  One night, we were reading in the book of Ruth how they would give a sandal to solidify a deal.  When we asked Micah about it, he thought Boaz was given a sandal because Boaz's sandal was lost. 
  • On a different night during Bible time, Scotty was reading the chapter of the day in the book of Judges.  We weren't sure if he was really listening, but Scotty asked at the end of it, who was the false god that some people worshiped?  Grandma was about to lean over and give him the answer, when Micah piped up with the correct answer, "Baal!"  Grandma's jaw dropped.  (To be fair though, he's heard of Baal in his kid's Bible). 
  • Similarly, a few nights later when we were reading in 1 Samuel, we weren't quite sure if Micah was really listening to the best of his ability, but we were about to be proven wrong.  When asked what Samuel's mom made him every year, Micah knew the answer, "a coat!"  My jaw dropped (because this is not one of the stories he's heard in his kid's Bible)!
  • Micah hid himself in another room so I could find him and I heard him holler, "Where is me?"
  • We have the nicest mailman.  He told us recently that he has grandkids.  Micah was trying to fit the mailman role into a grandpa role.  He finally concluded that he is a "mail grandpa."
  • Micah and I have been enjoying some conversations on Heaven.  He wondered where Heaven was?  I can't pull out a map and show a geographical location, so I don't think I was explaining it very well.  Micah finally just said, "God can point to it with His finger."  Well, that was easy enough. :-)
  • The other day Micah and I were talking about how we had made strawberry preserves last year after we went to a strawberry farm.  He then noted, "We didn't buy peanut butter from a peanut butter farm."
  • Joy recently developed a bad case of cradle cap.  I did the old fashioned baby oil remedy and nearly got it all out (though the trade-off was accidentally thinning her hair out in the process!!)  After she was all cleaned up, we noticed there was still a little more on her head.  Micah told me, "I'm sorry that she got more cradle crap."  Yes, honey, I would have to agree with that.
  • While getting acquainted with a new toy, I heard Micah mutter to himself, "I have to do that betterly."
  • There had been a lot of talk leading up to the wedding last weekend about DeeDee wearing a white dress.  Well, on Mother's Day I had put on a white summer dress to wear.  When Micah saw me he asked, "Is it wedding time?"

1 comment:

Mommy said...

I am happy that I was part of one of these stories. :)