Saturday, January 5, 2008

Baby Cereal

It is one day away from Micah being 4 months old. Today is a big day - not because he will be 4 months tomorrow, but because he experienced something besides formula in his diet. He ate baby cereal! I have read and heard that solids are introduced between 4-6 months...1 day shy of 4 months is okay, right? I just couldn't help myself, I was excited to give it a try and see how Micah would react.

So with camera ready in mom's hand, and baby spoon with baby cereal in dad's, we gave Micah his first bite of "solid food." Micah was a little skeptical about this foreign substance (hence the expression in the above photo), but he is slowly warming up to the idea of this thing called baby cereal.

1 comment:

R.A. said...

You should have seen Anne the first time we put water in her bottle. She reacted as if it were lemon juice.