Friday, January 11, 2008

Move over lion friend, frog buddy is in town

Micah and I spent the day with Aiden - his aunt (the nanny) was out of town for the day so I baby-sat while his mom and dad were at work. Boy, every time I see him, he is bigger, smarter, and funnier. Quite different from the 12 month old I began nannying in July 2006.

Anyway...Aiden's toddler toys were too advanced for Micah, so I pulled out a baby toy from the closet. It was just a little mat with toys dangling from arches above, similar to one Micah has at home. But this one was a bit had a little toy butterfly that glowed...and Micah loved it. I would press the toy and it would hum a little tune while the cheeks lit up. Micah couldn't get enough of those glowing cheeks.

At the end of the work day, Micah and I bid John, Amy and Aiden Smith farewell. Later that night, I was going to put Micah down at his little play station. Too bad his little lion friend doesn't light up, I thought to myself (see December entry, "Micah's little lion friend"). Then I remembered a toy that grandma and grandpa Sovilla gave Micah for Christmas - a little frog who's cheeks light up while it hums a tune. So I hooked the frog up on the play mat to see how Micah would react.

Micah was enamored.

His lion friend may be able to hum a tune, but only his frog buddy can glow...

1 comment:

R.A. said...

Wow, that's harsh for Lion Friend.