Thursday, January 15, 2009


The Target trip started out like any other - grab Micah and his diaper bag from the warm car and run through the cold parking lot into the warm store. Get him snapped in the grocery cart, and start checking things off my shopping list as the items in my cart began to multiply.

I hit the food section towards the end of the trip, and was locating my last few items when I pulled down the aisle of Pepperidge Farm packaged goodies - cookies, goldfish crackers, etc. During most of the Target trip, Micah was pretty chill, probably bored out of his mind as we went down aisle after aisle of cleaning goods, office supplies, etc. Every now and then I would give him something from his diaper bag or my growing cart of merchandise to keep him occupied. But the Pepperidge Farm aisle resonated with my son...

I was about halfway down the aisle when Micah piped up - "Cucker. Cucker" (translation: cracker). He had spotted the Pepperidge Farm goldfish cracker logo and knew what it was instantly - his snack item of choice. "Cucker. Cucker." So he wasn't completely bored out of his mind, and he was actually paying attention while shopping - at least when something familiar was seen.

I just thought it was the cutest thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I'd been there.