Monday, October 27, 2008

We're moving to Michigan - in 2 weeks!

Hey blog readers (mom and Rachel). :-) It's time to make the "official" announcement - Scott, Bekah and Micah are moving to Michigan! Scott and I have been thinking about, praying for, and discussing a move since March, but Michigan was set as the potential destination of choice a couple months ago. We didn't feel we could "spread the word" until last Tuesday - when Scott's fellow employees heard the news (his supervisors have known for awhile).

Blah, blah, technical details, sorry. So yes, Scott and I are staying in Chicago through Breakthrough's Annual Benefit Dinner on Friday, November 7th (if you're in or near Chicago, feel free to come and register to sit at our table - it's going to be a GREAT evening). Then, sometime within the week after the Benefit, we're heading northeast to Michigan.

First, let me say that Scott and I are leaving Chicago and Breakthrough on "good terms" and have thoroughly enjoyed our time here. For both of us, Chicago will always hold a very special place in our hearts. It is where we both went off to college, became adults, met our future spouse (each other) :-), began married life, had our first full-time jobs, had a baby - just to name a few life changes! God has been so extremely good to us here. He has shown that He is such a generous and kind God. He has kept us safe in our neighborhood (Scott has walked to work everyday for nearly 2.5 of his 3.5 years at Breakthrough), He has allowed me to be a stay-at-home-mom with Micah (we didn't know how long we'd last on 1 income in expensive Chicago - but God provided!), and He has helped Scott and I grow together as husband and wife as well as mother and father to Micah. The list could go on and on (great friends, good landlords, a wonderful staff at Breakthrough, fun, adventures, etc)...

So, why the move? some of you may be asking. Good question. By no means was this an "easy" decision for Scott and I...but several of our reasons are these:
-Getting closer to family so Micah can know them! (Now we only have to travel to see one side of the family, instead of both, because we'll be living near the other).
-Moving to a place with lower cost of living, so I can continue to be a stay-at-home-mom (FYI, California is not cheaper than Chicago, so moving near the Sovilla family just didn't work out). :-(
-New direction in Scott's career. Scott is making the switch from the nonprofit sector to the for-profit sector, specifically in full-time graphic design.

If you're reading this from Chicago - know that you'll be missed by us! We love you and have loved getting to know you. If you're reading this from outside Chicago, we love you too, and hope that you're doing well. :-)

We'll keep you posted with how the move goes, but please forgive me if I'm MIA on this blog for the next two weeks...I have an almost 14 month old son to take care of, a house to pack up, and a Benefit dinner to help with (putting in hours from home to help with registration).

Well, that's it for now. Michigan, here we come!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Big news! Moving, as you know, can be a huge challenge and a huge blessing. I have been thinking of moving again, but will not be making any decisions for at least a few more months. I admit that California crossed my mind as well, but the cost of living makes that anything but viable! If I move, it will likely be to North Carolina where my oldest sister is. I would eventually like to be where I have at least some family!