Monday, October 20, 2008


Right now my heart just hurts.

Over the last week I've heard of several instances where people are either divorced or in the middle of getting one. This just grieves my heart, it really does. How did this relationship, which once was united, come to a bitter end? How did man and wife suddenly become "my ex"? What was the process that finally brought this marriage to an end? How many tears were shed, words were said, and silence was kept, before it was all said and done? When did it just become "too much" to handle, unbearable? How much pain was felt on each heart involved? How deep was the grief?

I can't imagine one day saying of my now beloved husband, "Scott is my ex." I can't imagine the process of pain, mistrust and unforgiveness that would bring us even remotely close to that point. What couldn't be worked through together? We have committed to stay together as husband and wife "til death do us part," but we still need God's strength and grace to honor that commitment every day.

I am sad for those marriages that have ended, for whatever reason, in divorce. Sad for them - the two that were once in love, now separated. Sad for anyone involved around them - children, parents, friends, who grieve with and for them. Sad for the wickedness that came in to bring this separation about - adultery, lying, lack of communication, whatever it may have been.

What grieves my heart even more is that these several divorce cases I've heard of this week shows me that this is but a small taste of the reality of our whole society. Divorce is rampant - which means disloyalty, cheating, pain, desertion, neglect, unforgiveness, bitterness, misunderstanding and selfishness are alive and well throughout the globe.

Lord, forgive us. And help us heal.

I don't seek to condemn anyone. I'm sure that there are cases of divorce where both parties end up "moving on" and are nice, good people who honestly continue to serve and love others, and aren't running around being all mean to people. But this end of the marriage union, for whatever case, still makes my heart hurt.

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